Among those who have been side-tracked all their life was a righteous scholar ‘insha'Allah’ from what we seen of him, and Allah knows best what’s in the hearts.
Shaykh Imam Abd-Allah Bin Hassan Qaood (عبد الله بن حسن بن محمد بن حسن بن عبد الله بن قعود) who held the same position as many others ...
Archives 2012
Sidetracked in History
Sisters Corresponding with Brothers in Prison
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Current Affairs,
Is it permissible for female sisters to write to brothers who are in prison?
Islam came with guidelines, rules and principles that scholars derived from the study of the Qur'an and Hadith.
Among those principles are what Imam Ahmad, Malik, Ibn Taymiyyah and others established under (سد الذرائع) which is the rule of avoiding ...
Ruling on Hunger Strikes
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Current Affairs,
Many of our oppressed imprisoned brothers resort to hunger strikes when the world, including their Muslim brothers, turn their backs on them. The question becomes whether or not this is allowed Islamically. The simple answer to this matter is that refusing to eat and/or drink until one dies or severely harms himself is not permissible and ...
A Benefit from Prison - When They Turn Their Backs on You!
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An elderly man who was in one of the many prisons I’ve resided in the past decade, opened his heart to me, telling me how prominent he was in his community and throughout the states. He sat in agony because the hundreds or rather thousands that he extended his arms to, had all turned away ...
Raising the Hands During Jumu'ah Khutbah for Dua'
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Raising hands in general dua' is sunnah with many hadith to support that and it is among the etiquette of dua' in showing humility to Allah (سبحانه وتعالى). An-Nawawi said,
The ahadeeth on the Prophet (ﷺ) raising his hands in dua’ is more than what can be counted and I have compiled thirty hadith on ...