Archives April 2003

Archives April 2003

If They Had Obeyed Us They Wouldn’t Have Been Killed


Our virtuous Shaykh, what is the best way to answer the one who warns from the consequences of rushing towards Jihad in Iraq and advices [Muslims] to wait with that? Then we see the one who follows this way of thought and opinion being happy when Baghdad falls [in the hands of the occupiers ...

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A Woman Thinks About Sexual Intercourse and She Is Not Married, What Can She Do to Avoid This?

A Woman Thinks About Sexual Intercourse and She Is Not Married, What Can She Do to Avoid This?


She thinks about sexual intercourse (between a husband and a wife) during night. It is just the thought that comes to her mind: she imagines that intentionally. But she does not see this in her dreams. Yet, she does not look at pornography and does not have immoral friends either, but for some unknown ...

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Has the Qur'an Been Tampered With?

Has the Qur'an Been Tampered With?


What is the proof that the Qur'an was not tampered with? Who wrote the Qur'an and when was it written? Can you give a brief history of it?


Bismillah (In the Name of Allah).

1] Firstly to address your question with regards to the proof that parts of the Qur'an was not tampered ...

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Brothers Are Marrying Women from Overseas, This Makes It Difficult for Women in America to Find a Man to Marry Since Women Outnumber the Men, What Can We Do? What Can I Do to Rectify My Situation?

Brothers Are Marrying Women from Overseas, This Makes It Difficult for Women in America to Find a Man to Marry Since Women Outnumber the Men, What Can We Do? What Can I Do to Rectify My Situation?


My question is pertaining to the status of women here in the USA. As Muslim sisters we are out numbering the brothers more than 8 to 1. With this situation how do you address the marriage situation in the Islamic society? Also the second thing; with the ruling that the brothers are responsible for ...

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Why Is Cremation Not Permissible in Islam? Why Do We Not Believe in the 'Pledge of Allegiance'?

Why Is Cremation Not Permissible in Islam? Why Do We Not Believe in the 'Pledge of Allegiance'?


Today at work a co-worker asked me if cremation was haram, I told her yes, and she asked why but I wasn't able to tell her why. If you can let me know why cremation is haram in Islam. Also, this is regarding the pledge of allegiance, why is it not allowed in Islam ...

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