This is a short extract taken from the book ‘الحكم بغير ما أنزل الله’ written by Dr. Abdur-Rahman Ibn Saalih al-Mahmood and translated into the English Language by Nasiruddin Khattab with the title ‘Man Made Laws VS Shari’ah’. The book was published by International Islamic Publishing House in 2003, this book is a ...
Tag archives: Sharee'ah
A Person Does Not Become a Kaafir Unless he Regards it to be Permissible...
Why Is Cremation Not Permissible in Islam? Why Do We Not Believe in the 'Pledge of Allegiance'?
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Today at work a co-worker asked me if cremation was haram, I told her yes, and she asked why but I wasn't able to tell her why. If you can let me know why cremation is haram in Islam. Also, this is regarding the pledge of allegiance, why is it not allowed in Islam ...
Ruling on Seeking Judgement from Man-Made Laws
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Current Affairs,
Question: As-salamu ‘alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu, as for what follows…
In this era it has spread that rulers in the Islamic world, whether Arab or non-Arab, rely on ruling with man-made law instead of ruling with the law of Allah, so what is the hukm (ruling) on these rulers? We hope to see the ...
The Reality of the Taliban Government
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Current Affairs,
Question: Some people hold doubts about the Sharee'ah implementation of the Taliban Government in Afghanistan. What is the reality regarding this government? We request from you a comprehensive answer backed up by evidences. May Allah protect you.
Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, and Peace and Blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad ...